Types & Benefits of Therapy
Types of Therapy
Coaching: Helps with starting a life-long process of self-discovery. Focus is on a Growth Model that aids in the process of change.
Individual: Private, one-on-one therapy this is solution-focused. Help for; a child, teen, adult or senior.
Couples: Marriage, pre-marriage, or dating relationships can benefit from couples therapy, as it focuses on conflict resolution, healing, communication, and connection. Special emphasis for Military Marriages.
Family: Focus is on the entire family unit or parent/child relationship. Can also include extended family members (Aunts or Uncles, Grandparent, etc.)
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): EMDR addresses disturbing memories and traumatic experiences in life. This protocol targets negative behaviors, dysfunctional emotions, beliefs, and sensations. Treatment sessions resolve painful triggers to improve overall mental health functioning.
Medical Family Therapy: Combines psychotherapy and bio-psycho-social systems to help keep other members of the family in constant contact with the patient/client to better manage their medical conditions and needs. Therapist collaboratively works with Medical Team.
Group Therapy: The benefit of group therapy is to improve self-awareness, social comfort, allow exploration of new behaviors, provide support, develop skills, and promote authentic interactions with others.
Biblical Counseling: Counseling interventions utilizing the Word of God and a Christ-Centered approach to promote strength, growth, direction, and healing.
Phone Sessions: If you don’t live in the Colorado Springs area, you can still get support from across the miles.
Sex Addiction Recovery: Focus is on the individual who is addicted to pornography and the spouse who needs to heal as well.
Benefits of Therapy
Therapy assists anyone who is challenged by their current life situation. Talking to a Therapist help with; then the list will make more sense.
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Grief/Loss
- Resolving Hurt and Trama (past/present)
- Fears and Insecurities
- Divorce Recovery
- Stress
- Management
- Goal Setting
- Reunification after Deployment
Establish the goals and positive changes you want in life!
Start your journey today by taking time for yourself to discover a new path of life!